Strategic-Line Harmony of planning in your business

Budget-Plan Express is a software product for preparing business plans in Word and Excel format

 Budget-Plan Express is a software product for preparing business plans, presentations, financial and investment analysis. It is the most affordable professional product in its class, see license types and prices. This is a completely Russian software product, protected by copyright, and you are now on the developer's website.

Budget-Plan Express is the best software product for preparing business plans in Word and Excel format. Calculation of project performance indicators - РВ, DPB, NPV, PI, IRR, MIRR and others

 This site contains the largest knowledge base for the development of business plans; see the materials of the Internet Help or video course.

 Download the demo version. To run the program, install the Excel application – 2007-2019, as part of the 32-bit Office application.

 Register an account and buy! Register and pay for licenses (in your personal account) in rubles, in the currencies of the CIS countries, yuan, etc. at the rate of the issuer.

 Budget-Plan Express - best for small business and education, as a financial tool and teaching aid (for students, graduate students, MBI students, etc.)

 Watch the video tutorial «An example of calculating a business plan from scratch - from data preparation to a business plan report in Word».

Business plan and financial model in Word and Excel formats...

Recommendations for purchasing the program

Start by registering on the site, enter your email address or select a social network. Program activation codes will be sent to your e-mail

Before purchasing the commercial version, download and install the demo version - make sure that the program downloads and works in your office application

In your personal account, add and pay for any of the licenses: «Training», «Start» or «Standard». Pay in rubles, the currency of the CIS countries, in yuan, etc.

Immediately after payment, activation codes will be sent to your e-mail. See help, watch video tutorial «An example of calculating a business plan from scratch»

Pay for the license in your account Pay for Budget-Plan Express licenses in your personal account - in rubles or other currencies...

Make your own business plan!

 See also the video tutorial «An example of calculating a business plan from scratch - from data preparation to a report in Word».

Lesson 9 "Example of calculating a business plan from scratch" consists of 10 parts, approximately 10-11 minutes each video lesson. In less than 2 hours, after watching this course, you will be able to make business plans yourself.

Here we learn how to create a business plan from scratch using the example of an online store project. With the help of the program, we calculated the project and showed how to prepare reports in Word - arrange tables, build graphs and draw conclusions. That is, we are talking about how to prepare a professional business plan in Word.

You can download this business plan, in Word format, and project calculation from the links at the end of the video. And to open the project, at least you need to download the demo version of the program.

See useful materials, examples and calculation methods on this site

  Methodology for accounting for fixed assets (calculation of depreciation, deferred taxes, property tax, etc.)

  Dupont factorial model

  Deriving the Discounted Money Formula

  Weighted average cost of capital model – WACC

  Methods for calculating project performance indicators (PB, DPB, NPV, PI, IRR, etc.) using simple examples

  Project performance indicators (DPB, NPV, PI, IRR, MIRR, etc.) and project evaluation methods

  Moving average models (SMA, WMA и EMA)

  Methodology for calculating the break-even analysis

  Methods and algorithms for calculating loan products (formulas for calculating loans)

  Liquidity, profitability and other indicators (TIE, ROS, ROE, ROA, ROIC, etc.)

  See more online help or video course
  Read the publications on this site, on the Zen channels «Business Plan Easy and Quic» and Zen «Outpost»

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