The best software product for preparing business plans in Word and Excel format
Strategic-Line Harmony of planning in your business

Main menu. Data

The main menu items "Data"

Menu «Data» (ribbon interface, Office 2007-2019):

Budget-Plan Express toolbar. Data - ribbon interface, Office 2007-2019

Group Function Content Hotkeys
2. Вкладка/заголовок Data
Буфер обмена (Clipboard) Копировать (Copy) Copy a string or a number Ctrl+C
- Вставить (Paste) To insert a string, number, or a named range (see section "Preparation for planning. Import data", F1) Ctrl+V
Установка периодов (Set Periods) Новый учетный период (New Period) Set the beginning of a new accounting planning period (year) -
- Новый цикл планирования (New Cycle) Transfer part of these operational plans of previous years to the next year. Transfer data of previous years operational plans for next year -
Установка таблиц (Set Tables) Create table (Create Table):
1. Sales plan
2. Procurement Plan
3. Production Cost Plan
4. Plan fixed costs
Create a table based on the data specified in directory -
- Редактировать таблицу (Edit Table):
1. Sales plan
2. Procurement Plan
3. The plan of production costs
4. Plan fixed costs
Edit the table according to the data specified in directory -
- Import data (Import Data) Select a file to import data from named ranges -
Удаление (Deleting) Clear table (Clear the table) Zero the data of the current table -
- Удалить таблицу (Delet the table) Reset table data and delete table settings -
Расчет (Calculation) Рассчитать (Calculate) Calling the form of calculating plans F9

Budget-Plan Express is a software product for preparing business plans and presentations in Word and Excel format, optimal for small businesses and studies (for students, graduate students, MBI students, etc.)

Create your projects and calculate risks (PB, DPB, NPV, PI, IRR, MIRR, etc.) - all calculations are “at hand”! Try the new version of the program (6.02). Details ...

The "Data" menu (old interface, Office 2003):

Budget-Plan Express toolbar. Data is the standard interface, Office 2003

Menu items:
  1. "Copy" is a standard feature.
  2. "Paste" - depending on the type of data being copied:
    • 1. standard insert (from Clipboard)
      2. insert an array (a series of numbers) from a named range

    In an array (from a named range), the data is stored until the "Copy" function is executed again.
  3. "Set a new billing period" - before performing the procedure, you need to set a new billing period in the settings:
    • A new analysis period (year) first is set in "General settings", then perform the following procedure: in budget plans edited time scale.
  4. "To establish a new planning cycle" - after the installation of a new period (year), the procedure "takes" operational plans at the beginning of the period. Procedure if you want to save the old data, and to continue the planning from the beginning of a new period (cycle). In budgeting such permanent planning is called "sliding", and if planning starts from scratch (as new project) - "zero" plan.

  5. «Create table» - to re-create one of four tables:
    • Sales plan
    • Plan target costs
    • The plan of production costs
    • Plan fixed costs
  6. "Edit table" - in contrast to the menu item "Create table", this procedure does not change the structure of the table does not delete data. This procedure to edit items (names of rows) of the table, one of the plans:
    • Sales plan
    • Plan target costs
    • The plan of production costs
    • Plan fixed costs

  7. «Import data» - procedure causes alternately:
    • 1. A dialog where you select the file with named range (File Excel или XML)
      2. Form to define conditions for data import

    If previously the shape of the data import was specified to the file you want to use the default the procedure "Import data" will directly open the form, after "downloading" in memory of the named ranges (from the file "default").
  8. If previously the shape of the data import was specified to the file you want to use the default the procedure "Import data" will directly open the form, after "downloading" in memory of the named ranges (from the file "default").

  9. To permanently delete data, you need to save of the project. In case of an error, to recover deleted data, use "exit without saving".

  10. "Calculate" - is called form calculate the budget plans. This form also is called when you "F9".

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